Kibou Japanese Kitchen & Bar


KIBOU is a Japanese Restaurant, ramen & sushi bar in Cheltenham & London. 


Q&A Interior Designers were commissioned to design the new KIBOU Cheltenham which now houses a bar, lounge, Horigotatsu and Teppanyaki dining experience all offering a different pace and vibe. 


Moving it's home from a tiny basement restaurant already in Cheltenham with a huge loyal clientele it was essential we maintained the intimacy of the original. 

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It has been a pleasure to work with Stephen from Q&A on this project. Throughout the process, their past experience in designing restaurants has been invaluable. His input on the overall layout and usability of the space made sure that there isn't any wasted space in the restaurant and the design elements are functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. Their brief was tough, design a modern yet welcoming restaurant with influence from the east and they have exceeded my expectations. We would strongly recommend them to anyone looking for their next project.

David Franks, Kibou Restaurants Ltd

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